Enough chatter. Get with the watching by clicking the video player above. Cue the E3 '05 trailer comparison rants. This is the full E3 trailer packing nearly three minutes of amazing in-game footage.
L-Erbgħa, Lulju 11, 2007
New Killzone Trailer Feeded
Enough chatter. Get with the watching by clicking the video player above. Cue the E3 '05 trailer comparison rants. This is the full E3 trailer packing nearly three minutes of amazing in-game footage.
It-Tlieta, Lulju 10, 2007
Researchers Says; M-Rated Games Good for Children
actually have a positive effect on adolescents?
Possibly, according to a new study.
This new Report highlights research done by Cheryl Olson, an Sc.D. at Massachusetts General Hospital. Olson, who surveyed more than 1,200 7th and 8th graders, said:
"We found that most boys 12- to 14-years-old are playing mature-rated video games, so this idea that M-rated games cause shootings or major violence just doesn’t hold water.
We don’t know whether playing to get anger out is a good thing or a bad thing for any individual child, but we suspect that it might be healthy for a lot of kids."
Olson also credited playing video games as a social activity.
"They’re more likely to play with a group of friends in the same room or over the Internet, so this stereotype of a solitary violent gamer up in his room wasn’t borne out, at least in our study.
[Video games are] not going to ruin them. They’re not going to go out and pick up a gun. Violent video game play is typical and normal for kids nowadays. That doesn’t mean that parents have to like it, but they shouldn’t panic about it."
Olson’s study was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Feeds From; http://www.firstcoastnews.com/tech/news/news-article.aspx?storyid=86310
It-Tnejn, Lulju 09, 2007
Sorry Planet Earth
PS: Visit this site;
Il-Ħadd, Lulju 08, 2007
The Loose Marbles

I recently discovered this Jazz band, it left me wordless, awesomness!! New Yorker Magazine online has a great article about the band here: newyorker.com/online/blogs/neworleansjournal
Money falls from sky
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German motorist surprised by euro notes swirling in the air around her car hit the brakes and collected a "substantial amount of money" before turning it over to police, authorities in Worms said on Thursday.
A police spokesman in the small western town said the 24-year-old woman saw the money flying through the air in her rear view mirror late on Wednesday. She pulled over and tried to collect all the notes, unsuccessfully.
When police went with her to the scene they could not find any more cash.
A spokesman at Worms city hall said police were withholding details on the exact sum and location of the find in the hope of learning more about the money's origin.
msn Gone Bad
Actually I want to, but I risk getting banned for excessive use of offensive language.