It-Tlieta, Jannar 22, 2008

Xbox is crack for kids - According to the Times Online

Anybody else feeling dizzy? That's because, recently the popular :Rolls Eyes: action has become a habit on Gaming Forums.

Janice Turner has accused video games of being "Satan's Sudoku" and "crack cocaine of the brain".

"These are Satan's Sudoku, crack cocaine of the brain. Even the crappiest cartoon or lamest soap teaches a child about character, plot, drama, humour, life. Playing videogames, children are mentally imprisoned, wired into their evil creators' brains."

Video Games taught me a lot of stuff... but mostly, I find Games a valuable source to create your own ideas.

Soap Operas only teach you how to be a bitch to one another.

Besides if the xbox is crack, then WTF is a PC?? Fucking LSD??

Article can be found here


namespace ConsoleApplication7
class Program
{/* 4EUR per hour till 40 hours
* 8EUR per hour after 40 hours

static void Main(string[] args)

double totalHoursWorked, standardWage, overtimeWage, totalWage;
const int standardHours = 40;
const double normalRate = 4;
const double overtimeRate = normalRate * 2;
double overtimeHours;

Console.WriteLine("Enter Total Hours worked");
totalHoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

if (totalHoursWorked > standardHours)

overtimeHours = totalHoursWorked - standardHours;
standardWage = standardHours * normalRate;
overtimeWage = overtimeHours * overtimeRate;
totalWage = standardWage + overtimeWage;

Console.WriteLine("Overtime wage: " + overtimeWage + " +");
Console.WriteLine("Standard wage: " + standardWage);
Console.WriteLine("Total Wage is: " + totalWage);


standardWage = standardHours * normalRate;
Console.WriteLine("Total Wage is: " + standardWage);


It-Tnejn, Jannar 21, 2008

C# String Manipulation

class Program
{//assign string variables
static void Main(string[] args)
string name, surname, fullName, lcasename, ucasename;
int numberofChars;
char firstNameChar, firstSurnameChar;

Console.WriteLine("Enter Name");
name = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Enter Surname");
surname = Console.ReadLine();

fullName = name + " " + surname;

lcasename = fullName.ToLower();
ucasename = fullName.ToUpper();
Console.WriteLine("The Name entered in LOWER case is: " + lcasename);
Console.WriteLine("The Name entered in UPPER case is: " + ucasename);

numberofChars = fullName.Length;
Console.WriteLine("The number of characters in " + fullName + " is: " + numberofChars);

firstNameChar = name[0];

firstSurnameChar = surname[0];
Console.WriteLine("The initials of " + fullName + " are: " + firstNameChar + " " + firstSurnameChar);