Is-Sibt, Awwissu 18, 2007
Iranian child smoking Opium
Opium users describe experiencing a feeling of calm and well-being. Usually addicts in otherwise good physical and mental health whose drug needs are met are thought to experience no debilitating physiological effects from their addiction, although there is some evidence that immune function is compromised.
However, their preoccupation with the drug and its acquisition can lead to malnutrition and general poor self-care and an increased risk of disease.
Il-Ġimgħa, Awwissu 17, 2007
Earth & the I
I enjoy walking upright and am warm-blooded -atleast thats what they say.

I live here... >>>>>>
Planet Earth, a huge piece of Rock orbiting a giant Fireball in the middle of nowhere.
I feel I belong here. There’s something about the atmosphere that helps me stay alive, and I am also suited down to the ground.The surface of the planet is about 70% water, which is nice because I’m about 70% water myself.I share the remaining 30% with six billion others, each of whom has a 70% water body of their own.
Each of these bodies, like the planet, is composed of tiny particles which, on close examination, appear to have no solidity, but rather are pure energy.
However these six-billion people and I, are killing this planet, with our self-obsession, ridiculous inventions, waste of resources and development.
DoiNG iT FoR TeH LuLz of LiFe
Lol -> lul; lols -> luls; lolz -> lulz.
Lulz is the one good reason to do anything, from trolling to vandalism. After every action taken, you must make the epilogic dubious disclaimer: "I did it for the lulz".
This has been pioneered by encyclopedia dramatica, famous for posting a fake craigslist add and then listing the personal info of those who responded.
Why did he post a suicide note on livejournal before killing himself?
I heared he did it for the lulz.
Why post a giant image of 50 Hitlers?
I did it for the lulz.
Lulz... is also a corruption of L.O.L., which stands for laugh out loud. Phil Shuman used this term in a poorly executed last minute piece that was thrown together. It shows his complete lack of ability to perform proper investigative reporting. Many Lulz were generated from this attempt.
"LULZ is a corruption of L O L, which stands for Laugh Out Loud." --Phil Shuman, Fox News
It-Tlieta, Awwissu 14, 2007
No Red Ring of Death for PS3 - Nearly Impossible To Kill
Reliability of consoles is a crucial factor for any consumer, and so far, the PS3 has proven to be solid as a rock. Perhaps surprisingly - PlayStation launching consoles have been notoriously bad in the past - the PS3 has sported an excellent units sold : units returned defective ratio, and Sony is promoting that very positive aspect.
On the official PlayStation blog, Sony's Dave Karraker had this to say-
A lot of noise has been made recently about the reliability issues of one of our competitor’s systems. So, not surprisingly, some of our more ambitious PlayStation faithfuls decided to run their own stress test on the PlayStation 3.
He's talking about Microsoft's Xbox 360, of course, which has suffered severely due to the "red ring of death" system failure that has caused the company to issue refunds and new 3-year warranties on busted systems. At one point, major retailers were estimating there was a 33% failure rate for the Xbox 360; those same retailers estimated the failure rate of the PS3 was less than 1%.
In the face of that, Sony wanted to find out exactly how long the PS3 could they let PS3 Vault run a giant stress test. And as you can see, they put that machine through some serious paces.
The following crazy conditions were implemented for testing:
- Continuous usuage of 108hours with no interruption to power supply.
- Game of choice was Resistance Fall of Man & Motor Storm, Enchanted Arms...
- Blu Ray movies – Several – around 10 different titles , Casino Royale, The Departed, Pirates of the Caribbean, Terminator 2, Superman Returns…
- Console was positioned on standalone timber unit with approximate 10cms of airflow under neath.
- Same 10 players were used over this period each playing or using the unit for a maximum of 1.5hours in any given session.
- Same controllers were used throughout the testing period.
But that's not even the insane part.
- They first put the machine in a typical family room environment, which resulted in 108 flaw-free hours (we can't really count a disc vibration for 20 seconds as a "flaw").
- Then, they put it in the back of a freezer van, started the temperature at 50 degrees, and then dropped it slowly down to 0 degrees over the 108-hour span. There was some "sluggish playback" at 0 degrees, but the console still persevered.
- The last environment was a heat sauna; temperature start was 100 degrees and they increased it to 120 degrees over the 24-hour span. Result? A slight burning smell at about the 64-hour mark, but the machine ran the full 108 hours without any further incident.
They concluded the only way to kill a PS3 was, quite frankly, to smash it with a sledgehammer. Karraker has called the console an "Energizer bunny," and you know what? Damn, we'd have to agree.
Me as Me
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | hteiK |
What did you do last night?: | Hanged out with my friends |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | Rise up music |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | nope |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | yes |
What are you wearing?: | boxers and a Tshirt |
How many cars have you owned?: | none (2 motorbikes) |
Type of music you dislike most?: | R&B |
Are you registered to vote?: | yep |
Do you have cable?: | basic cable TV. broadband internet |
What kind of computer do you use?: | Gaming PC, like the tech |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | sometimes |
You like anyone right now?: | *no comment* |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | boooth!!! sky diving is better though |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | Los Angeles |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Batman |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | do we have a national anthem ? LoooL ;) no :( |
Shower, morning or night?: | morning and night |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | Simpsons Movie :D |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | everything!!! |
Chips or popcorn?: | none of them |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | GOmobile |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | NO |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | neither |
Orange Juice or apple?: | apple juice |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | my parents, we had dinner together |
favorite chocolate bar?: | Yorkie |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | Malcolm 6feet something |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | last saturday |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | yes |
Favorite arcade game?: | pin ball |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | WTF ? |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | 7up |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | school yes, work no |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | O.o |
Ever thrown up in public?: | yes at primary school |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | true love |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | dont know |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | no |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | Hi, Im Keith, please leave a message I'll respond you as soon as possible. |
Where would you like to go right now?: | Miami |
Whats the name of your pet?: | Goku, Buttons and Flixy |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | denim back pack, random school and work stuff |
What do you think about most?: | games, motorbikes, sex and my future |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |