Il-Ġimgħa, Ġunju 15, 2007

Evolution of Beauty - Dove Advert

Dove's profits were astronomically boosted by their 'real beauty' adverts. The wonder is not that we can't 'look beyond people's faces' but that Dove's customers can't see past the fact that this is a marketing campaign aimed at increasing revenue by exploiting women's insecurities, not a charitable attempt to change the world for the better.

and the Lord said "Let there be Photoshop"


Stop being perfect and lets evolve - TYLER DURDEN [FIGHT CLUB]

Il-Ħamis, Ġunju 14, 2007

Perfect Man... for what ???

Just Imagine, he could satisfy a women, or else imagine all the stamps he may lick at once...

"This man does not need penis to make love to a woman"- DailyShow

Just see the video till the very end...

MotherFucker or AmericanIdiot ?

The Video speaks alone... Harresment

Die Mother Fucker Die - Dope

American Idiot - GreenDay

Would you rather be the IDIOT or THE MOTHER FUCKER ??


L-Erbgħa, Ġunju 13, 2007

SiCKO - If you want to stay healthy in America, don't get sick.

A Comedy Movie from Micheal Moore about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on earth. Following on the heels of his Palm d'Or winning 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and his Oscar winning film Bowling for Columbine, acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore's new documentary sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Sticking to his tried-and-true one-man approach, Moore sheds light on the complicated medical affairs of individuals and local communities.

See the whole movie in theaters on June 29th. Get well daily at .

ABC news discusses the latest debate between Director Michael Moore and Senator Fred Thompson.


It-Tnejn, Ġunju 11, 2007

Goat Sniper

He hunts goats... loooool
A quick human response by New Zeland National Park to control the over population of goats.

Is this Right or Wrong ?

Bush Is An IDIOT

I knew it, I just knew it... Bush is an idiot, and gets paid $ 400,000,000 per year.

He's not an idiot just for the he talks. He is an idiot for the way he thinks and the decisions he makes. TrippingBilly89

Lol, this is funny. My 2 yr old nephew is more articulate than this idiot. Must have choked on the pretzel too long, or maybe he fried them brain cells from his cocaine addiction. george8873

AMERICA, please you have to do something about Bush. Its beyond a joke now. Not even funny. zappafile

"You're working hard to put food on your family"

The most powerful country is filled with idiots. Their leaders are idiots who are told to read words that are written on a paper. Words they can't even understand. doomed. KazeGaara89

Bush Parody

Kofi ... yeah coffee ... Yes sir ... Yassir?? leave the Middle East alone please

Il-Ħadd, Ġunju 10, 2007

ppl which you can meet on the Internet...

- hOtpUssy_12 (Female - age varies from 11 to 14 yrs): This girl generally talks in some kinda' wannabe gangster style with words like: "NE1 WANNA CHAT WTH A HOT FEMALE WTH PICS PLZ MESSGE ME THX XXX". Usually such a girl is VERY ugly that when she was born the midwife or doctor saw her face they went like "Oh no!!!! WTF | OMFG | aaaaaaaaa | .........." and then he/she died.

- KooLGuY[13] (Male - age varies from 11 to 15 yrs): I HATE this guy, usually he is impatient to meet with hOtpUssy12. Generally this guy is as tall as Berlusconi, gets frightened from anything and he still drinks Nesquik from his bottle. Usually he opens his Conversations with words like "AW XI WAHDA SHUNA JEW!?1?".

- [FUCKER-007]
(Varies - age varies from 15 to 17 yrs): Generally a male, but in rare cases found under the form of a female. This person usually pretends to know a lot about cars Because his old brother owns a Ford Escort without any silencer attached, and he also says that gamers are socially desperate, while he is playing some 'Guild Wars' etc...

- HORNYready4SEX
(Female - age varies from 19 to 20 yrs): This Bitch always talks to guys in private chat. Always seeking for dates with guys she met online. Generally 70% of her pics are herself with just the bra & underwear. Usually such girls own a dog with the name of Rocky, Browny or Cutie.

- Gay&ProuD (Male - age varies from 20 to 22 yrs): Generally this guy is a sucker which wants to attract other's attention 24/7. Thinks he is some sort of Johnny Depp. Still a virgin and never had a serious relationship. 90% of these cases had accidents when they where still young - the other 10% are just rare idiots.

- id-dude21 (Male - age varies from 20 to 24 yrs): aka Silence. Always present but never talks. He's a BIG nerd. GaY&ProuD always talks to him but he never responds back. He also knows everything about HORNYready4SEX, however he never had an actual chat with her.

- Cetta_Hamalla
(Female - age rare varies from 40 yrs): So this is a housewife which bought a PC for her son, but she finished using it. Generally shes found on the internet to chat with other males of her age. Her husband doesn't give her enough pleasure in bed, so she seeks new remedies. She is a big fan of; Eileen Montesin and Tista Tkun Int. She owns a Grilioso and a Ronic in her kitchen.

(Varies - age varies from 20 to 40 yrs): Generally a male, but in rare cases found under the form of a female. Usually this guy is a fond supporter of a football team (i chose juventus cause i hate 'em). His/her bedroom is full of posters representing football players. At Sunday afternoons you'll find him infront of the TV with his wife/husband/childre n/pets watching the game. He Knows anything about the coaches of his team. Their age, the name of their wifes, the shoe size, favourite food & a lot of unusual bullshit.

This was a small tutorial of what ppl u may face up within the world wide web.