- Shower More Often - I shower like 1 or 2 times a day, but I tend to end up sweaty all times.
- Spend More Time with Family & Friends.
- Quit excessive drinking - I will not take a drink before 5:00 p.m.
- Quit the occasional smoking.
- Be more Organized - IMPORTANT.
- I will try to act as a catholic.
- I will have my cavities filled this year and arrange that broken tooth.
- Brush Teeth more Often.
- I will go into McDonald's and order a Burger King.
- Learn what the hell "resolution" mean
Il-Ħadd, Diċembru 30, 2007
New Years Resolutions for 2008
Il-Ġimgħa, Diċembru 28, 2007
Benazir Bhutto

Killed by the Mossad (Israel's assassination squad of 'seekrit agents') on 27 December 2007 because she was a woman, and females should have nothing to do with politics, formally according to some tight withheld religions.
A suicide bomber was used as the diversion to disguise the presence of five gunmen.
Guess who was Blamed
Obviously the bossy USA and other 'Elite' countries immediately blamed al-Qaeda, without seeing any possible evidence.
Any time you hear the brainwashing media mention al-Qaeda, it is just as in Orwell's 1984 when the telescreens would have their Two Minutes Hate, and the proletariat would be programmed to be afraid of and utterly hate Emmanuel Goldstein (a fake enemy, made up to raise public fear and support for more wars to the necessary pitch.Few months ago, Bhutto gave a message to CNN, she proclaimed in public that if she got killed, the leading role had to be Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's current leader. Well known that Musharraf is part of the USA/Israel "War on Terror" team, and he didn't like the fact that Bhutto was coming back to the country to shine a light on his ties to them.
Why would the Mossad target Bhutto?
Returning from her self-imposed 8-year exile, with several failed assassination attempts until the mission was successful on December 27?
Answers are pretty clear, only those who don't want to see the facts say that it wasn't the Mossad. Bhutto was ready to confront former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Bhutto was also ready to publicly accuse the Bush Administration and Pervez Musharraf of stealing up to five billion dollars from the Pakistani treasury!
NOTICE: This is no Conspiracy Theory, but; gathering facts together, the knowledge I gathered throughout my existence and refusing the continuous brainwashing ideology media today offers, I have can distinguish black from grey.They may also have targeted her, for mentioning that Osama bin Laden was murdered by Saeed Sheikh Omar, a recent English-language Al-Jazeera television interview, which, if true, would mean that the great evil meanie Osama could no longer be used to exploit the global public's gullibility for justifying a perpetual war.
What about the suicide guy?
The Mossad would never blow themselves up in the line of duty. They just find some idiot with no future that owes them a favour;
"you kill this bitch and then blow yourself up, or we'll kill you anyway, and your whole family too because we are anti-lulz!"Mossad likes to stage suicide bombings for one important reason: To make Muslims look even more stupid, fanatical, and murderous than they are already known to be.
War is fun! Why stop?
THEY ordered the termination of Bhutto in order to carry on happily with the War on Terror, killing millions of Marines alongside, creating hoax with its lucrative military ware and technology deals numbering in the trillions of dollars, with Wall Street rulers and stockholders feasting on the fat pork of the military-industrial-media-Congressional complex.
This also may give the USA an excuse to intervene and contain Pakistan. Thus they would then have Iran surrounded on all sides.
It was the Indians, they got nukes as well!!!
Il-Ħadd, Diċembru 23, 2007
It-Tlieta, Diċembru 18, 2007
It-Tnejn, Diċembru 17, 2007
Merry Christmas to you :)

It-Tnejn, Novembru 26, 2007
Il-Ħamis, Ottubru 18, 2007
Explaining God
"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
St. Thomas Aquinas’ states that God is Perfection,
"Now the object of the theological virtues is God Himself, Who is the last end of all, as surpassing the knowledge of our reason. On the other hand, the object of the intellectual and moral virtues is something comprehensible to human reason. Wherefore the theological virtues are specifically distinct from the moral and intellectual virtues."
Now, man is imperfection per se, Biologically and Philosophical.
So, how can man say that God created man in his own image?
The perfect specie is actually, the cockroach, it resists Radioactivity, survives headless for weeks, it also survives starvation for months.
My conclusion is clear, God, is a cockroach =)
Is-Sibt, Ottubru 06, 2007
msn makes people go mad
sorry for not being available for such a long time.
I was on msn today and a guy came over me:
Steve Vella:
int min int?
Steve Vella:
Steve Vella:
int fej tmur skul?
steve who?
jien mcast immur
Steve Vella:
e mela mux habibi
Steve Vella:
Il-Ġimgħa, Awwissu 24, 2007
What does 40,000 lbs of cocaine look like?
The offload will include approximately 38,000 pounds of cocaine seized in the largest cocaine bust in maritime history.
The Ecuadorian-flagged fishing vessel Don Juan K was approached in the Pacific Ocean Feb. 19 off the coast of Mexico while allegedly offloading cocaine into "go-fast" (cigarette-style boat) boats.
The fishing vessel's crew apparently set fire to Don Juan K in an attempt to destroy the evidence and flee in the go-fasts. Sherman's crew stopped the go-fasts and recovered about 900 pounds of cocaine as Don Juan K sank. The 14 crew members are being processed for further legal action.
The 330-foot Panamanian-flagged motor vessel Gatun was interdicted in the Pacific Ocean Mar. 18 off the coast of Panama while heading north toward the United States. Sherman's crew stopped and boarded the vessel and found 765 bales of cocaine weighing approximately 38,000 pounds in two shipping containers. Gatun was escorted back to Panama and its 14 crew members processed for further legal action.
Sherman's crew stopped and boarded a small stateless go-fast in the Pacific Ocean Mar. 25 off the coast of Panama following a short chase, in which, the go-fast attempted to flee at a high rate of speed. Approximately 2000 pounds of cocaine was found aboard the go-fast and its four crew members were processed for further legal action.
The Coast Guard works in close coordination with Joint Interagency Task Force South, U.S. Attorney's office, Panama Express South, DEA, FBI, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection, as well as the Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security on counter drug operations in the Pacific Ocean near Central and South America. These drug smuggling routes are some of the most active, yielding roughly 70% of the cocaine seized annually by the Coast Guard.
The Coast Guard has kept about two million pounds of cocaine from reaching US streets since 1973.
L-Erbgħa, Awwissu 22, 2007
Elephant Man Recovers after major operation
Aug. 21 - Huang Chunsai (31), recovered from surgery that removed part of his facial tumours, which weigh more than 20 kilogrammes in total.
Another patient says he is relieved after a part of his facial tumours, which weighed about 23 kilogrammes, was removed. Yet Doctor Niu Lizhi says the surgery has caused him to lose his balance.
Jennifer Marostica -Reuters
It-Tlieta, Awwissu 21, 2007
Wannabe Retards teaching me Lessons
"If you fight fire with fire, you will just make a bigger fire. Yes.
But if you fight fire with crystals, and ice bulbs, you will put the fire out and the crystals will turn to diamonds!" -Daxflame
Make a lot of sense for me. Think about it
It-Tnejn, Awwissu 20, 2007
You Are 89% Creative
![]() You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity. Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool! |
Sometimes these things override my life, it happend numerous times (and will still happen no matter what) that while I am trying to reason out the 'What Can I do to solve this problem?' question my imagination tries to hypnotize me into daydreaming...
The other day, I was thinking about my future and immediately Mr Creativity and his loving partner, Ms Imagination, came up to me saying: 'Hey why don't you become a gamedesigner!' -surely its this isn't a dream, it would be more like an orgasm- however I know that such a thing is to the least possible... (Paulo Coelho would disagree with me on this fact, his book The Alchemist, talks the dream of a guy and he just leaves everything and follows it.)
Whatever. Dont Forget to live by 'Teh LuLz of Life'
My faithful distraction, I could still percieve what was being told and also could reason out what i had heard but my answers were always yes or no
it happend numerous times that while I am trying to reason out what 'Can I do to solve this problem?' question my imagination tries to hypnotize me into daydreaming...
Il-Ħadd, Awwissu 19, 2007
I like monkeys
The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys. I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. His name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed. Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing.
Is-Sibt, Awwissu 18, 2007
Iranian child smoking Opium
Opium users describe experiencing a feeling of calm and well-being. Usually addicts in otherwise good physical and mental health whose drug needs are met are thought to experience no debilitating physiological effects from their addiction, although there is some evidence that immune function is compromised.
However, their preoccupation with the drug and its acquisition can lead to malnutrition and general poor self-care and an increased risk of disease.
Il-Ġimgħa, Awwissu 17, 2007
Earth & the I
I enjoy walking upright and am warm-blooded -atleast thats what they say.

I live here... >>>>>>
Planet Earth, a huge piece of Rock orbiting a giant Fireball in the middle of nowhere.
I feel I belong here. There’s something about the atmosphere that helps me stay alive, and I am also suited down to the ground.The surface of the planet is about 70% water, which is nice because I’m about 70% water myself.I share the remaining 30% with six billion others, each of whom has a 70% water body of their own.
Each of these bodies, like the planet, is composed of tiny particles which, on close examination, appear to have no solidity, but rather are pure energy.
However these six-billion people and I, are killing this planet, with our self-obsession, ridiculous inventions, waste of resources and development.
DoiNG iT FoR TeH LuLz of LiFe
Lol -> lul; lols -> luls; lolz -> lulz.
Lulz is the one good reason to do anything, from trolling to vandalism. After every action taken, you must make the epilogic dubious disclaimer: "I did it for the lulz".
This has been pioneered by encyclopedia dramatica, famous for posting a fake craigslist add and then listing the personal info of those who responded.
Why did he post a suicide note on livejournal before killing himself?
I heared he did it for the lulz.
Why post a giant image of 50 Hitlers?
I did it for the lulz.
Lulz... is also a corruption of L.O.L., which stands for laugh out loud. Phil Shuman used this term in a poorly executed last minute piece that was thrown together. It shows his complete lack of ability to perform proper investigative reporting. Many Lulz were generated from this attempt.
"LULZ is a corruption of L O L, which stands for Laugh Out Loud." --Phil Shuman, Fox News
It-Tlieta, Awwissu 14, 2007
No Red Ring of Death for PS3 - Nearly Impossible To Kill
Reliability of consoles is a crucial factor for any consumer, and so far, the PS3 has proven to be solid as a rock. Perhaps surprisingly - PlayStation launching consoles have been notoriously bad in the past - the PS3 has sported an excellent units sold : units returned defective ratio, and Sony is promoting that very positive aspect.
On the official PlayStation blog, Sony's Dave Karraker had this to say-
A lot of noise has been made recently about the reliability issues of one of our competitor’s systems. So, not surprisingly, some of our more ambitious PlayStation faithfuls decided to run their own stress test on the PlayStation 3.
He's talking about Microsoft's Xbox 360, of course, which has suffered severely due to the "red ring of death" system failure that has caused the company to issue refunds and new 3-year warranties on busted systems. At one point, major retailers were estimating there was a 33% failure rate for the Xbox 360; those same retailers estimated the failure rate of the PS3 was less than 1%.
In the face of that, Sony wanted to find out exactly how long the PS3 could last...so they let PS3 Vault run a giant stress test. And as you can see, they put that machine through some serious paces.
The following crazy conditions were implemented for testing:
- Continuous usuage of 108hours with no interruption to power supply.
- Game of choice was Resistance Fall of Man & Motor Storm, Enchanted Arms...
- Blu Ray movies – Several – around 10 different titles , Casino Royale, The Departed, Pirates of the Caribbean, Terminator 2, Superman Returns…
- Console was positioned on standalone timber unit with approximate 10cms of airflow under neath.
- Same 10 players were used over this period each playing or using the unit for a maximum of 1.5hours in any given session.
- Same controllers were used throughout the testing period.
But that's not even the insane part.
- They first put the machine in a typical family room environment, which resulted in 108 flaw-free hours (we can't really count a disc vibration for 20 seconds as a "flaw").
- Then, they put it in the back of a freezer van, started the temperature at 50 degrees, and then dropped it slowly down to 0 degrees over the 108-hour span. There was some "sluggish playback" at 0 degrees, but the console still persevered.
- The last environment was a heat sauna; temperature start was 100 degrees and they increased it to 120 degrees over the 24-hour span. Result? A slight burning smell at about the 64-hour mark, but the machine ran the full 108 hours without any further incident.
They concluded the only way to kill a PS3 was, quite frankly, to smash it with a sledgehammer. Karraker has called the console an "Energizer bunny," and you know what? Damn, we'd have to agree.
Me as Me
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | hteiK |
What did you do last night?: | Hanged out with my friends |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | Rise up music |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | nope |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | yes |
What are you wearing?: | boxers and a Tshirt |
How many cars have you owned?: | none (2 motorbikes) |
Type of music you dislike most?: | R&B |
Are you registered to vote?: | yep |
Do you have cable?: | basic cable TV. broadband internet |
What kind of computer do you use?: | Gaming PC, like the tech |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | sometimes |
You like anyone right now?: | *no comment* |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | boooth!!! sky diving is better though |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | Los Angeles |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Batman |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | do we have a national anthem ? LoooL ;) no :( |
Shower, morning or night?: | morning and night |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | Simpsons Movie :D |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | everything!!! |
Chips or popcorn?: | none of them |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | GOmobile |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | NO |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | neither |
Orange Juice or apple?: | apple juice |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | my parents, we had dinner together |
favorite chocolate bar?: | Yorkie |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | Malcolm 6feet something |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | last saturday |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | yes |
Favorite arcade game?: | pin ball |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | WTF ? |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | 7up |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | school yes, work no |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | O.o |
Ever thrown up in public?: | yes at primary school |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | true love |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | dont know |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | no |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | Hi, Im Keith, please leave a message I'll respond you as soon as possible. |
Where would you like to go right now?: | Miami |
Whats the name of your pet?: | Goku, Buttons and Flixy |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | denim back pack, random school and work stuff |
What do you think about most?: | games, motorbikes, sex and my future |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
L-Erbgħa, Awwissu 08, 2007
What if... Week 32 - 2007
So people who believe in democracy, the sharing of equal rights, freedom of speech:
What if tomorrow morning you had to wake up as a Person of a different Race ?
It-Tnejn, Awwissu 06, 2007
The IT Crowd - British Sit-Com
The IT Crowd is set in the offices of Reynholm Industries, a fictitious British corporation in central London.
Focusing on the shenanigans of the three-strong IT support team located in a dingy, untidy and unkempt basement - a stark contrast to the shining modern architecture and stunning London views enjoyed by the rest of the organisation.
Moss and Roy, the two technicians, are portrayed as socially inept geeks or "standard nerds". Despite the company's utter dependence on their services, they are despised by the rest of the staff.
Roy's exasperation is reflected in his support techniques of ignoring the phone in the hope it will stop ringing, and using reel-toreel recordings of stock IT suggestions ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?" and "Is it definitely plugged in?").
Moss's wide and intricate knowledge of all things technical is reflected in his extremely accurate yet utterly indecipherable suggestions, while demonstrating a complete inability to deal with practical problems like extinguishing fires and removing spiders.
Jen, the newest member of the team, is hopelessly non-technical, despite claiming on her CV that she has "a lot of experience with computers". As Denholm, the company boss, is equally tech-illiterate, he's convinced by Jen's interview bluffing and appoints her head of the I.T. department. Her official title is "relationship manager", yet her attempts at bridging the gulf between the technicians and the business generally have the opposite effect, landing Jen in situations just as ludicrous as those of her team-mates.
Is-Sibt, Awwissu 04, 2007
Feds Partner with Game Industry on Piracy Bust (Part 3 - Idaho)
A message posted on the Console Tech forums includes scans of what appear to be a federal agent’s search warrant application as well as an inventory of items seized in Wednesday’s sweep, which targeted game piracy suspects in 16 U.S. states. The inventory list includes:
6 Xboxes, an Xbox 360, an (unspecified) Nintendo console, 38 Nintendo games, a computer, a mod chip, various circuit boards, hard rives, discs, manuals, etc.
It would seem that the unnamed resident of the Idaho Falls home must have provided the scanned documents after receiving a copy from the agents who conducted the search. Not shown is the probable cause affidavit, which would have explained the government’s basis for the search. That document apparenly remains sealed by a federal court.
I have spent most of the day, on and off of the phone with him. He has the worst luck ever.
Also, they took
2 xbox 360's belonging to ATOMIC and MAYHEM.
1 double shot controller MINE
1 xbox case, that belonged to xxxLUCKYxxx
this is not a joke or a scam. As they examin the things, and deem them not to contain mod chips (my controller doesn't count) they will be given back to him, and he will ship them asap
also, i will be closing down xboxcustomz.com until LGC can get back"
Feds Partner with Game Industry on Piracy Bust (Part 2 - Ohio)
As reported by Xbox Scene, the suspect, who goes by the screen name FallsInc, penned a first-person account of what happened when the feds came calling:
When ICE hit me, they had a warrant for my grandma’s house where I had all my packages sent… They took anything that was related to gaming… They showed me the list of modchips that they collected, and asked me if I ever imported modchips from Canada…
They took my laptop, and desktop, and the soldering iron (which was one of their main things to find for some reason)… Now I can’t mod, and I can’t even sell anything off to pay for bills either since it has all been confiscated due to a ludicrous interpretation of the DMCA…
Because of what happened I’m not allowed to see my girlfriend and our 4 month old daughter, and last night, I slept in my car… They took my life away. I would like to formally thank Microsoft and Nintendo for cracking down on the little guy with a soldering iron in his garage, rather than going after the people that are responsible for the bootlegs being available.
Feds Partner with Game Industry on Piracy Bust (Part 1)
This investigation represents the largest national enforcement action of its kind targeting this type of illegal activity.
The search warrants were executed at businesses, storefronts, and residences… at locations associated with subjects who are allegedly involved in the direct importation, installation, sale, and distribution of the devices that are of foreign manufacture and smuggled into the United States.
Said Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement:
Illicit devices like the ones targeted today are created with one purpose in mind, subverting copyright protections. These crimes cost legitimate businesses billions of dollars annually and facilitate multiple other layers of criminality, such as smuggling, software piracy and money laundering.
While ICE did not release specifics on those targeted, it said the investigation was initiated by the agency’s Cleveland, Ohio office.
Meanwhile, video game industry officials lauded the bust. ESA president Mike Gallagher said via press release:
Plain and simple, selling and distributing products to illegally bypass game consoles’ piracy protections is a crime with real-life consequences. This is not a game; we’re talking jail time. Enforcement initiatives of this scope send a clear message to both the public and pirate community that this illegal activity will not be tolerated.
World of Warcraft - Terrorist Haven ?
According to Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre, terrorists are being trained in games such as World of Warcraft to scout out simulated real-world environments, and train in weapons that are "identical to real-world armaments."
Zuccato told an Australian Security Industry Association conference that terrorists no longer have to travel to the target they want to attack to carry out reconnaissance, but create a virtual replica and rehearse an entire attack online. Bad news if you live the Tower of Azora then.
"We need to start thinking about living, working and protecting two worlds and two realities," Zuccato said.
MET police - there's your tip off then. Look out for religious extremists on flying mounts coming our way.
More info: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,22161037-28737,00.html
Is-Sibt, Lulju 28, 2007
UFO sightings in UK. 25-07-2007

Drinkers spilled out of pubs, motorists stopped to gawp and camera phones were aimed upwards as the five orbs, in a seeming formation, hovered above Stratford-Upon-Avon for half an hour
The unidentified flying objects lit up the otherwise clear night sky above Shakespeare's birthplace in Warwickshire on Saturday.
Il-Ġimgħa, Lulju 27, 2007
L-Erbgħa, Lulju 25, 2007
Working Class Hero - John Lennon
(you may find lyrics below the video)
As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and class less and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
Green Day - Working Class Hero
Dir: Samuel Bayer
Instant Karma: The Campaign To Save Darfur is Amnesty International's new Make Some Noise campaign. In the spirit of peace high profile artists such as Green Day, U2, Black Eyed Peas, Snow Patrol, Postal Service, Regina Spektor and more are coming together in one tribute album covering songs by John Lennon. Proceeds from this album go to aid Amnesty International in the fight to Save Darfur, Sudan.
The music video from Green Day is premiered above and can also be purchased from iTunes.*
For more info on the album and the cause go to www.instantkarma.org or warnerreprise.com/instantkarma/
*Proceeds from your purchase of the video in iTunes will also go towards the fight.
It-Tlieta, Lulju 24, 2007
Il-Ħadd, Lulju 22, 2007
Death of The Internet?
The only way the telecommunications companies will be successful is if we fail to raise awareness about this situation. If people find out about the fact that we are about to lose our Internet freedom there is no way they will allow congress to do this.
This congressional decision will set a monumental precedent, and thus, impact not just U.S. citizens, but citizens all over world.
When the MARINES got IEDed (pwned) by Al Qaeda
British say PISS OFF
Israelis say IEDed
My Questions to God (if he really exists)
2. Why do you allow bad things to happen to good people?
3. Why does Richard Gere and David Hasslehoff still make movies?
4. When is the world going to end? *
5. Will Americans ever kill George Bush?
* Im asking you this because I have a List of: Things To-Do before dying, I need it finished.
Il-Ħadd, Lulju 15, 2007
Fast Car, Small Penis?
L-Erbgħa, Lulju 11, 2007
New Killzone Trailer Feeded
Enough chatter. Get with the watching by clicking the video player above. Cue the E3 '05 trailer comparison rants. This is the full E3 trailer packing nearly three minutes of amazing in-game footage.
It-Tlieta, Lulju 10, 2007
Researchers Says; M-Rated Games Good for Children
actually have a positive effect on adolescents?
Possibly, according to a new study.
This new Report highlights research done by Cheryl Olson, an Sc.D. at Massachusetts General Hospital. Olson, who surveyed more than 1,200 7th and 8th graders, said:
"We found that most boys 12- to 14-years-old are playing mature-rated video games, so this idea that M-rated games cause shootings or major violence just doesn’t hold water.
We don’t know whether playing to get anger out is a good thing or a bad thing for any individual child, but we suspect that it might be healthy for a lot of kids."
Olson also credited playing video games as a social activity.
"They’re more likely to play with a group of friends in the same room or over the Internet, so this stereotype of a solitary violent gamer up in his room wasn’t borne out, at least in our study.
[Video games are] not going to ruin them. They’re not going to go out and pick up a gun. Violent video game play is typical and normal for kids nowadays. That doesn’t mean that parents have to like it, but they shouldn’t panic about it."
Olson’s study was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Feeds From; http://www.firstcoastnews.com/tech/news/news-article.aspx?storyid=86310
It-Tnejn, Lulju 09, 2007
Sorry Planet Earth
PS: Visit this site;
Il-Ħadd, Lulju 08, 2007
The Loose Marbles

I recently discovered this Jazz band, it left me wordless, awesomness!! New Yorker Magazine online has a great article about the band here: newyorker.com/online/blogs/neworleansjournal
Money falls from sky
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German motorist surprised by euro notes swirling in the air around her car hit the brakes and collected a "substantial amount of money" before turning it over to police, authorities in Worms said on Thursday.
A police spokesman in the small western town said the 24-year-old woman saw the money flying through the air in her rear view mirror late on Wednesday. She pulled over and tried to collect all the notes, unsuccessfully.
When police went with her to the scene they could not find any more cash.
A spokesman at Worms city hall said police were withholding details on the exact sum and location of the find in the hope of learning more about the money's origin.
msn Gone Bad
Actually I want to, but I risk getting banned for excessive use of offensive language.
Is-Sibt, Lulju 07, 2007
Strangest UFO Theory
This is reptilian look on things is just a theory, though the facts point toward another direction. Also the all seeing refers to the Antichrist (Dajjal), for he will be blind in one eye.
These elitist are setting up the system for the coming of Dajjal. Some say that the top elitist come in contact with Dajjal and take orders from him. They also state that in actuality the top elitist is Dajjal, and soon after the set up of the new system, he shall come forth.
11-year-old girl DUI crashes after leading police on high-speed chase
But there was more: When they looked inside the flipped vehicle with guns drawn, they found an 11-year-old girl at the wheel.
The girl, who was slightly injured in the crash, is now charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident. Duck said she sideswiped another vehicle during the roughly 8-mile chase.
The chase began around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday when a patrol officer near the Florida line saw the car speeding west along a beach highway, Duck said. When the officer flicked on his lights, the driver sped up.
The girl rolled the car just inside the Gulf Shores city limit.
Duck said the girl, whose name was not released because of her age, told police she was on her way to pick up her sister at a concert.
Investigators found no alcohol in the car but believe the girl drank before getting behind the wheel of the car, which belongs to relatives.
Duck declined to release the girl’s blood alcohol level but said a blood test at the hospital showed it was higher than .02, the legal limit for minors.
Is-Sibt, Ġunju 30, 2007
Glasgow Airport Terror Attack
The airport, Scotland's largest, was evacuated and all flights were suspended, a day after British police thwarted a plot to bomb central London, discovering two cars abandoned with loads of gasoline, gas canisters and nails.
"One has to conclude ... these are linked," Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, former head of Britain's joint intelligence committee, told Sky News. "this is a very young government, and we may yet see further attacks."
Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown, who took office only Wednesday, was being briefed on developments by his officials, Downing Street said.
In Glasgow, the green SUV barreled toward the building at full speed shortly after 3 p.m., hitting security barriers before crashing into the glass doors and exploding, witnesses said. Two men jumped out of the burning vehicle, one of them engulfed in flames, they said.
"The car came speeding past at about 30 mph. It was approaching the building quickly," said Scott Leeson, who was nearby at the time. "Then the driver swerved the car around so he could ram straight in to the door. He must have been trying to smash straight through."
Two men were arrested, Strathclyde Police spokeswoman Lisa O'Neil said.
Passengers fled running and screaming from the busy terminal, Margaret Hughes told the British Broadcasting Corp. "There was black smoke gushing out where the car had obviously been driven into the airport," she said.
Flames and black smoke rose from the vehicle outside the main entrance. Police said it was unclear if anyone was injured. Other passengers were stranded, with at least one airplane grounded on the runway, the BBC said.
Leeson said bollards - security posts outside the entrance - stopped the driver from barreling into the bustling terminal at Glasgow's airport. Leeson said only the nose of the vehicle made it inside the building. Richard Grey told the BBC that the vehicle was lodged into the center of the terminal's main entrance.
"The jeep is completely on fire and it exploded not long after. It exploded at the entrance to the terminal, it may have been an explosion of petrol in the tank because it was not a massive explosion." witness Stephen Clarkson told the BBC.
Two men - one of them engulfed in flames - were in the SUV, witnesses told BBC News executive Helen Boaden, who was at the airport at time. She described the men as South Asian.
Clarkson described him as a large South Asian man. "His whole body was on fire.... He was just talking gibberish," he told the BBC.
"An Asian guy had been pulled out of the car by two police officers he was trying to fight off and they'd got him on the floor." Grey told the BBC.
Boaden said police "wrestled him to the ground - the fire was burning through his clothes - and finally put him out with a fire extinguisher."
Lesson said an airport officials did not think the incident was an accident.
"He said the men in the car got out and started throwing petrol about - that must be how it caught fire," he said.
Another witness, Fiona Tracey, described a "bang" coming from the SUV. The vehicle was on fire and "every now and again there was a bang coming off it. ... There was definitely a bang" she told Sky News television.
Grey said the car did not explode. "There were a few pops and bangs that seemed to be the tires and the petrol."
Il-Ġimgħa, Ġunju 29, 2007
Police Brute Force
However today i want to focus on another view of being a police:
Arkansas cop violently arresting, choking and wrestled skateboarding teenagers to the ground. A litle too harsh ?
Wait till the choking part, which could fall under police brutality.
Maltese Police Sergeant brutally hits an 'old' (50) French woman in paceville, due to mild Resistance. I'd say that we maltese arent so different from them americans then.
Is Police Brutatilty Right or Wrong ?
Keep in mind that both Cops had to struggle for their own safety.
Live Car Accident.
The video was recorded in Taiwan. Amazingly the victim is still alive and suffered from minor injuries.